Monday, May 10, 2010

Presentations from Heart of America DB2 Users Group

Hi DB2 user,

Here are several presentations from Heart of America DB2 Users Group, available on HOADB2UG website:

- Real-world strategies for managing undesirable access paths
by Suresh Sane

- Stabilizing Access Paths Across Rebind
by Terry Purcell

- DB2 for z/OS Data and Index Compression
by Willie Favero

- A Peek into the 24x7 VLDB DBA's Toolsbox
by David Simpson

- Workloads, Monitors, Advisors: V9 OSC Experiences
by Terry Berman

- SQL Queries on Speed
by Dan Anderson

- Application Buffering of DB2 Data
by Michael Todd

- V9 SQL for the Application Developer and DBA – Richer and Faster
by Suresh Sane



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