Monday, November 29, 2010

John Campbell's DB2 for z/OS presentations

Hi DB2 user,

Here are several John Campbell's DB2 for z/OS presentations available on IBM and Tridex websites:

- Optimising DB2 for z/OS System Performance Using DB2 Statistics Trace
by John Campbell

- DB2 for z/OS Optimizing Insert Performance Part 1
by John Campbell

- DB2 for z/OS Optimizing Insert Performance Part 2
by John Campbell

- DB2 10 for z/OS Technical Overview
by John Campbell

- DB2 10 for z/OS Performance Preview
by John Campbell

More information

- Best Practices for DB2 Software Maintenance
by John Campbell and Michael Dewert

- DB2 9 for z/OS: Migration and Experiences
by Maja Kovac



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